January 19, 2015

Things I've Been Loving

Hey guys! I've been a little caught up in work this week, so I don't have anything super insightful to bring to you. I thought I would share my favorite things lately. If I get enough response, I'll make this into a series :)

1. Korrasami!!!
If you didn't know already, I am a huge nerd and fan girl. I've been following the Avatar: The Last Airbender series since about the 3rd or 4th episode when I was 11. In the past few years, the creators have made a spin off called The Legend of Korra. There was one ship no one thought would be canon until the last season: Korrasami. This pairs the two friends, Korra and Asami, in a lesbian ship. The creators have confirmed that it is canon! They remind me so much of me and my girlfriend and we're gonna cosplay as them sometime! (Sorry if my fan girl just spewed everywhere. Also, if you're a Makorra shipper, I'm sorry for the more obnoxious Korrasami fans.)

2. Book of Shadows
Coming this week! I will be posting a video of me depotting shadows very badly! I didn't have any wax paper so I couldn't melt the glue all the way without melting the plastic casing and I'm just really awkward. BUT! I got this AMAZING palette from the Etsy store Book of Shadows. She makes so many different palettes that she has something for everyone. They also come in three different sizes and you can have magnets on one side or two! They range from $14 to $43, so you can find something in your price range.

3. Simple Makeup Wipes
So I am a lazy human being. I hate taking off makeup at night. It takes so much effort. But these wipes make it easy and it takes a lot of force to make it burn. I hate makeup wipes that make your eyes burn really easily (aka freaking BURT'S BEES WIPES! Makes me so mad...). They also don't have any chemicals that irritate your skin, so it's good for sensitive skin types. I almost never get off all my mascara no matter what I do, so I don't particularly mind that there's a little left after I scrub. You can get them at your local drugstore or Ulta.

4. Cards Against Humanity
If you haven't heard of this game here are the rules and here's the free printable version (from the official website. Nothing jank.). You're welcome. Just a warning: it's really offensive.

5. Slug Books
If you're in college, this website is amazing. It compares textbook prices across over 10 different textbook renters and sellers. Now I will never feel like I'm missing out on the best price on textbooks. I really need to save since I'll be taking a makeup class (aka, buying the expensive makeup and effects stuff).

6. Man Repeller
If you don't follow Man Repeller now, you should. I followed her briefly before the site was converted into an online magazine of sorts. It always gives me a good laugh every day. There is liberal (though not frequent) cussing. If you don't like that in a blog and couldn't look past it, I wouldn't read it. I am obviously in love with it if it's on this list.

7. Colour Pop
$5 cruelty free lippies and individual shadows. How much better can it get? Check them out here!

8. Fandom Cosmetics
Remember how I mentioned that I'm a fan girl? Fandom themed cosmetics. They mostly specialize in nail polish and eye shadow, but they have everything from bath bombs to lotion to lip balm. You don't have to be in a fandom to love their products! But I mean, who's not a fan of Harry Potter?


  1. im happy for korrasami! I didnt like that fire bender guy with either of them haha


    (IG: @TheStardustBohemian)

  2. Haha, makeup wipes are supposed to be really bad for you but they're just SO EASY!

    Corinne x


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