February 6, 2014

Sorry Guys

Hey guys. I just wanted to let you know I didn't die, even though I might feel like it. My schedule is very different from last semester, and i'm trying to figure out when I can write my posts. Currently, I have a couple prepared, but no edited pictures to go with them. Then I managed to get myself sick. Hopefully while i'm recovering, I'll be able to get something out for y'all. By the end next week I should have a good idea of my schedule and actually be able to post like I planed to.


  1. good to know that you're still there! haha kidding. hey hang in there, you'll figure everything out soon :)

  2. Dear I hope you can show us your stylization in next post! Can not wait for this!
    Could you please like my fanpage? www.facebook.com/berriesfashion


I read and appreciate all comments! If you leave your link, I will visit your blog :)