October 28, 2013

Fall has Arrived

OK. So maybe I lied on Friday. Granted, it was fall break and Homecoming at my high school. I had a great time this weekend, but no pictures to show for it sadly. I finally was able to get my hair dyed back to something darker. In the next post you shall see the awesome, almost maroon hair I ended up getting!
Late last night my friends ran up to my room and asked if I wanted to be a part of the campus haunted house this year. Well apparently I am now the crazy, obsessed, psychopathic, serial killer girlfriend who gets murdered by her boyfriend. YES! I'm so excited :)
These are some pictures from an outfit last week that didn't get posted. Oops!

October 25, 2013


I forgot to mention this a couple posts ago, but this post is my 52nd post! It's so crazy to think that I've had this blog for over 6 months now. It's the longest I've been able to keep up a blog and felt passionate about it. Thank you guys for keeping up up with me for this beginning of hopefully something that will last years. You guys keep me from getting boring, and hopefully I'm not boring. I would hope so if you keep reading this...
I promise there will be an outfit post later today, but I just wanted to get this out there.

October 22, 2013

Sparkle, Sparkle

It's gotten to be fall around here. I can break out the warm things!
Update on that audition: I didn't get put through. It's OK though. I'm only a freshman, and I have three more years. There's other ways to get professional credits.
Just so you know, I'm in the process of applying to write for collegefashion.net. It's a fairly long application, and I've been working on it a great deal. I hope it turns out well, considering how many people apply!
Other than that, I don't really have much to say...

October 14, 2013

Keeping it Simple

I don't have a ton to say today. I went to the Georgia Theatre Conference (GTC) this weekend. It was a 5 hour drive both ways. My first non-school audition. It's a screening audition to get to the big audition where over 80 companies will be looking for performers. Among them, DISNEY! I won't know if I'm going for about a week, but whether or not I move on, I felt good about my audition.
Today, I felt like keeping it fairly simple.

October 8, 2013

Going Monochrome

So I'm a day late. Sorry. I've been stressing about a lot of different things.
To start with, I have my first professional audition this weekend. I'll be auditioning with students and professionals, but mostly professionals. We'll be auditioning 30 at a time, all watching each other. None of the people who are going from my school are in my group which I was really counting on. I'm really starting to stress out, but I'm feeling positive about the experience.
It finally started getting cooler yesterday around campus. It's finally October! I felt like being casual and wearing blue, so I decided to go all out.

October 4, 2013

Feeling Sporty

First: updates. Not only did I find out that I got an A on my first college paper, but my teacher also wants to nominate it for a monthly freshman writing award. I have been told many a time that this teacher does not give out A's often, but I didn't know that she used to teach at Harvard. This woman has high standards, and I met them. And that to me, as a freshman, makes me not want to stop smiling.
Tomorrow I will be working on costumes for the first show at my school this season. I will be making a real costume that will be in a real production and OMIGOSH I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so glad I ended up at LaGrange. I really am. This theatre department is amazing, and everyone feels like family even though I've only been in school about a month. It's so crazy how everything is going. As much as I was scared to leave, I'm so beyond happy to be where I am.

 I decided to really mess with these first two pictures, especially since the lighting in this stairwell made the pictures extremely yellow at first.